Who he you may well ask ? He was one of the most unused and one of the most charismatic actors in Hollywood is the answer. Why was he underused ? He got indifferent roles, and his abuse from the so-called great director Otto Preminger on the set of ' The Cardinal ' probably might have made him felt ( quite rightly as it may have been because of his homosexuality ) fed up. In this good, but not great Western he shows a lot of his underused charisma, and his male beauty was exceptional. The scene where he meets up with his brother played by Charlton Heston is very homoerotic, but I doubt if the squeaky clean Heston noticed it. Needless to say they do not have many friendly scenes between them, and the ever watchable Anne Baxter tries to make up for this. The plot has been noted by reviewers so no need for spoilers. The direction by Mate is professional, but not inspiring and the rest of the cast do reasonably well. Gilbert Roland is in it and he was a big name then for audiences. Tryon raises it up in quality by his sheer force of presence. James Dean had it and as Dean saved ' Giant' so does Tryon save this one.
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